Author: onan
J. R. “Bob” Dobbs Silver Award
In the late 1960s, J. R. “Bob” Dobbs pitched a show called “Secret Astronaut” to a regional (Texas) television station. Of course he was the star of the show as well. He even wrote the theme and played the drums! He directed the singers to mispronounce one word, one time, so “they’ll talk about it forever.” And how!
“Secret Astronaut” ran for three seasons and had regional popularity, but nobody thought to record it. Only a short video clip can be found on YouTube, filmed directly off the TV screen.
“Secret Astronaut Theme” by J. R. “Bob” Dobbs (copyright status unknown).
Art by “JK”
This kind of original art goes for millions today. Yet at the time, it was just work for hire. Invest now in SubGenius publications!
Take appropriate precautions this holiday season!
The Filthy Red Planet by J. R. “Bob” Dobbs
SubGenius Pro Wrestling
A lot of detail is lost in reproduction, but you can see the general idea in this enlargement from a 1974 regional wrestling franchise advertisement from Knob Hill, Oregon.